All posts by jdaniel

Wood Artist Gallery: and author of this blog. You can find me on Twitter @jdanielcreation If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter or email me anytime.

The Real Problem With Selling Art Online In 2024

I have covered selling art online in so many formats from Etsy to private online galleries.  You name it, I have talked about it.  What I have not discussed are the technical parts as to why it is so hard.

How do some succeed while others fail?  Better yet, how is it that some artists are seen online and others remain buried in obscurity never seeing the light of day?

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What Is Classified As Poplar Species Found Common In Woodworking

Common Poplar Species Wood Worldwide

When we speak of the Poplar species it is a general species which covers a wide spectrum of more specific trees.  This is in part what can become confusing for those who do not recognize the general categorization.

For example the scientific name for White Poplar is Populus Alba and can be found worldwide.  This species is not native to North America but was introduced as an ornamental tree.

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Is Woodworking A Visual Art Or Carpentry

Is Woodworking A Visual Art?

A visual art is defined as any object which is created for visual aesthetics with artistic qualities.  Thus, woodworking is a visual art, or it can be.

The issue many take with wood art is that it is not among the “official canonized” fine arts.  It was not until very recently that new media digital arts were accepted into this official category.

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What Is Modulus of Elasticity Or Youngs Modulus In Wood

Definition Of Modulus Of Elasticity

Modulus of elasticity is also known by another name which is Young’s Modulus.  It measures deflection of stress along an axis.

This axis will be either longitudinal (parallel to the grain), radial (perpendicular to the grain), or tangential (perpendicular to the grain and tangent to rings).

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The Truth About Selling Art Prints

Are Art Prints Worth Selling?

You really need a reason to sell art prints and have a target in mind of what you wish to achieve.  The issue today is how saturated so many e-markets have become.

Instead of listening to the copy and paste blogs I will share real user experiences with you.  You can find many similar experiences detailed within Reddit to see what people face.

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What Drawing Art Program Is Best For Artists

Free Vs Paid Drawing Art Program For Art

The benefit of a free drawing art program is that it is free.  The downside is that there are limitations to its capabilities and user experience.  On the flip side of this are paid art programs.

Paid art drawing programs can be expensive but they offer more options with a better ux.  If you are on a tight budget I might can help you discover an option that will benefit your artwork.

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Properties And Characteristics Of Eastern Red Cedar Wood

Properties Of Eastern Red Cedar Wood

The scientific name for Eastern Red Cedar is Juniperus Virginiana.  The tree size can reach 115 ft tall and have a trunk diameter of 3 to 4 ft.

Its average dried weight is 33 lbs/ft3 which makes it fairly lightweight for applications.  This is an advantage when used as building materials.

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