wood being stored

Reclaimed Wood Vs Virgin Wood

What Is Reclaimed Wood?

Reclaimed Wood is lumber that has been taken from a source where it was previously used. This source can range from old structures like a building, or old pallets that were discarded. The question is the quality of the lumber which is acquired.

What Is The Quality Of Reclaimed Wood?

The quality can be wide ranging depending upon many variables. Yet there are a few general points to follow when it comes to selecting Reclaimed Wood.

The species of wood matters. It easy easy to understand that reclaimed pine from pallets are less favorable than reclaimed oak from a century old building. The point of use in a project will determine the necessity in the quality desired.

For the purposes of this article I will omit the obvious junk which is common to find. A real comparison between quality reclaimed and virgin wood is where I wish to focus.

Benefits Of Reclaimed Lumber

When reading online authors will focus you on benefits which are eco oriented. Concepts such as reducing landfill waste and preventing further deforestation are their key points. Yet this does not give a real benefit analysis for the individual projects one may have in mind.

The real benefit behind its use in most cases comes down to aesthetic purposes. There are exceptions to this.

Note that for someone to acquire petrified wood it will obviously be reclaimed from some source where aging through time has played its role. This is a unique topic in its own right and an altogether different aging process.

Generally speaking most reclaimed lumber is not of the petrified or other exceptional varieties. The average reclaimed pieces typically face structural issues, cracking, insect infestation at points of history, and other problems.

It is for these reasons that aesthetics and nostalgia becomes its primary role. There really is no other natural product in the world which can show the character that this old wood can display.

If you are wanting something unique in appearance, a beauty that cannot be found anywhere else, it is likely you will find it in Reclaimed Wood.

Disadvantages Of Reclaimed Wood

Its disadvantages are many. Among the greatest is cost. You will typically pay a premium for quality Reclaimed Wood. Cheap stuff which few want such as pallets are of no real issue in terms of cost.

Along with the cost issue is dealing with those who sell this wood. Not all are honest in how the wood is acquired, nor in the actual age of the lumber. Fraud is rampant in this industry, as a wood artist I can say aging wood is easy to fake.

I have seen some use a wood char process in order to make wood appear older than it is. This is accomplished by heating the surface of the lumber in stages.

The problem can become much like the driftwood lumber scene where what is sold is not actually as claimed.

Another potential issue is the lack of supply to the same type by species or volume from a source. For larger projects this can become a problem.

In terms of the wood itself we get into the structural integrity of this type of lumber. Large timbers that could be used in older barns or larger buildings may be perfectly fine. Yet not all wood that is reclaimed meets this definition.

If one were to take the wood from the exterior side of a barn it can often be worth little to nothing. In fact it may appear aged but not be that old at all. Having said this we need to look at what happens with wood as it ages.

What Happens To Wood As It Ages

Obviously wood was once a living tree. Once it is cut it is once again obviously no longer alive. Yet instead of simply decaying away a process begins which takes time to see through.

I have included a rather exhaustive document in pdf format here from a source which details the science behind this aging process. While you will not read it all, you can scan the table of contents for what may apply to your questions.

Once wood is cut it begins to dry. The moisture and oils if allowed to evaporate and cure will give you a nice piece of lumber. This is what kiln drying does for virgin wood.

Once it is dry the wood is at its strongest. As age sets in it does not become mechanically weaker yet it clearly does not get stronger. Like all things in this universe it must face the laws of entropy with its surrounding elements.

So why does the myth persist that older wood gets stronger, or that as wood ages it gains strength? The myth may have begun with this very drying process which I have briefly mentioned.

There is an equilibrium it will find in its moisture content to the surrounding atmosphere it is within. As it dries it does become stronger. Yet we are talking about mere weeks or slightly more, not years or decades of time.

Where Wood Gets Its Maximum Strength

What about sap “curing” within the wood? Does it make it stronger? Not necessarily. As the sap cures it can in theory aid in its janka hardness. Yet its bending strength is more associated with the wood fibers and these two aspects are very different. How does it work?

The heartwood is the strongest portion of a tree. It is also the oldest section of the wood. It is essentially dead cells which provide no life support. Outside of the heartwood is the pith and surrounding sapwood. This is the life source of the tree.

The hardening of the inner pith as it ages to become additional heartwood requires a living chemical process of age. Once it is cut this process is ended. When milled the moisture will evaporate out and with time and the oils will begin to dry or cure.

The sap within its own right is not the “hardener” which makes the heartwood what it is. It is a complete evolution of age by chemical process. The hardened sap alone is too brittle to be of any real function or service in strength.

Outside Forces Which Weaken Reclaimed Wood

Earlier I mentioned how wood reaches an equilibrium with its surrounding atmosphere. As humidity rises so does the percentage of moisture within a given piece of wood. As the air becomes dry the wood also will match to a percentage as it evaporates that moisture out of its fibers.

This process can cause problems for lumber if it is not well ventilated. Issues such as rot, mold, mildew, fungi, and other things can come into play over time. Yet this is merely one element.

Exposure to UV light across years will impact its serviceability. Then there are issues such as insects like termites and bees. Exposure to the forces of the world continually work to weaken wood from its maximum strength to be less than it was in years past.

The more time wood has to be exposed to these various influences the more likely it is to lose structural integrity. Here is really where the dividing difference comes between choosing what kind of wood to use.

Virgin Wood Benefits

The benefit to virgin wood is that it can be obtained while it is at its strongest point of serviceability. It has all the benefits without any of the natural external exposures.

While it is preferred for construction or other purposes where structural integrity is critical, it is not pretty. It lacks the aged appearance that so many love. Unfortunately we cannot get the best of both worlds in farm grown lumber.

Typically virgin wood is much cheaper than its reclaimed counterpart. Yet due to this type of lumber being farm grown there is normally plenty of supply for any project you have in mind.

There really are no disadvantages for using virgin wood for building other than the lack of aesthetics. Yet here is where many people like to either artificially age wood or overlay with older Reclaimed Wood.

The Aesthetic Disadvantage To Virgin Wood

It is for the reason of farm grown wood having no character to its grain that I do not use it within wood art. It does not matter how great I am at woodworking. I cannot change the grain to be more than what it is.

Often it is so plain that when worked it appears either stark yellow or white. Grain lines hardly stand out to give any definition. What would be beautiful art is made ugly just for the wood being what it is.

This is one of the reasons why you will see many people use stains which have a darker tone to them on structures like cabins. It is common to also see in hardwood floors or paneled walls and ceilings.

The sad part is that aged pallet wood can at times appear better than virgin lumber. So how do you overcome this? We need to look at wild grown options for lumber.

Wild Grown Virgin Wood

Here is where real beauty and strength can be found together. Yet you are going to run into some problems. First let me detail its amazing benefits.

Wild grown wood has faced many years of wind, storms, insects, heat, and cold. These are the same things that breaks down wood which has been cut. Yet with wild grown it sees the same aging but it is still living.

Since a tree is a living thing it will heal itself from these attacks by outside forces. Yet it is these very forces which give the tree beauty to its grain. Here you get spalted wood, Rainbow Poplar or wood like Ambrosia Maple.

There really is no other lumber on the planet that can match the beauty which this type of wood can hold. It is from this variety that I personally use in my wood art. It is also among the most expensive that you can find.

Problems With Wild Grown Virgin Wood

It is not a sustainable source of lumber. If you go into a forest and begin hacking down trees make no mistake that you will have a visit from authorities. Much to the dismay of those who scream against deforestation, lumber is not cut in those ways any longer.

Tree farms today produce lumber you find in stores. We are not clearing the Rockies of every tree in the mountains. Rather the natural resources like trees are protected by laws.

So how does one come into possession of such lumber? Most often it is acquired in a few paths legally. When it comes from privately owned land and the owner wishes a tree to be removed this is one potential source.

Another source is claiming lumber which has fallen due to storms. This claiming process again is typically done on private properties. Do not try removing lumber from national or state forests.

It can be easy to see that this type of lumber can be rare. There are exceptions to the general private property rule of acquisition. Nevertheless these are your safest places for potential sources. Small backyard local mills in your area will have this lumber and often advertise on Facebook.

When To Use Reclaimed Lumber?

It is best used for aesthetic purposes within a home or for small projects. Unless it was clearly protected and is a larger timber which is structurally sound, do not use this wood for load bearing purposes.

It can be used in a panel overlay on top of newer virgin wood which gives you the structural support that you need. This too will increase the lifespan of the Reclaimed Wood as it is not needing to provide this support. Less stress means less mess.

In terms of wood art it can be a viable source. Yet I most often refrain from its use. Typically the surface of the grain is too worn from weathering to be of any real value to me.

There are exceptions to this. When the wood has been protected from outside forces it can then be used in art. The question then moves to its species, rarity, and natural beauty by its grain.

When To Use Virgin Wood?

Virgin wood is best used for structural purposes. It can be made to appear more aesthetically pleasing with stains or artificial aging processes. Much will depend upon the desires one has to the aesthetics in a project.

I rarely use farm grown virgin wood in wood art. There are exceptions to this. When I have been commissioned to engrave quotes or popular sayings into wood for display it can be a good choice. The reason is due to the lack of uniqueness in the grain which gives better contrast to read the words carved.

This can be compared to writing with black ink on a white sheet of paper. Due the blank sheet being uniform and white it provides greater contrast for detail in reading.

When To Use Wild Grown Virgin Wood?

Resourcing this type of wood is the best of both worlds in my opinion but it is also the most expensive. Yet its greatest uses come into play with things like cabinetry, furniture, tables, and especially wood art.

Due to the low volume that you will find this wood in, it can only be suited for smaller projects. Nevertheless if you get lucky in finding a larger quantity and can afford its price then feel free to use as you desire.